Gay gay homosexual gay meme origin

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His view is confirmed by Magnus Hirschfeld in his 1914 book Die Homosexualität des Mannes und des Weibes: 'In the ranks of a relatively small party, the anarchist, it seemed to me as if proportionately more homosexuals and effeminates are found than in others'.

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Thus I found in Paris a Hungarian anarchist, Alexander Sommi, who founded a homosexual anarchist group on the basis of this idea'. In Das Kuriositäten-Kabinett (1923), Emil Szittya wrote about homosexuality that 'very many anarchists have this tendency.

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John Henry Mackay, German individualist anarchist advocate of LGBT rightsĪnarchism's foregrounding of individual freedoms made for a natural defense of homosexuality in the eyes of many, both inside and outside of the anarchist movement.

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